poniedziałek, 29 stycznia 2024

My goal is to promote the TRUE Satanism

 (((I decided to publish it in English to make my message more transparent. If you notice any serious errors in my translations - here or in my other posts/ blogs, please let me know. Thank you in advance.)))


Hello everyone.

I'm Adapa. My goal is to promote TRUE Satanism. For this purpose, in addition to presenting my work "Practical advice on the Eightfold Path" - https://eightfoldpathbyadapa.blogspot.com/ , where you will find tips on how to develop spiritually, AND WHICH I HIGHLY RECOMMEND, I will tell you my story, which, in spite of all these false slander against Satanism, Satan and Demons could be called "The Testimony of a former catholic".

My mother was a strong believer, just like her parents (my grandfather's weekly allowance depended on whether I was in church...), so I also believed, just like they did. I was an altar boy for less than two years - I wanted to find the "God" they told me to believe in, but all I found was the pursuit of money - and not only priests, but also my fellow altar boys. The number of "carol walks" depended on the number of masses attended. And although I felt sorry for this injection of cash during Christmas carols, I gave up. Already at the end of primary school, when my sister and I were sneaking out of mass, I knew that the church was spiritually empty materialism, but I had not yet rejected the "God" they promoted. I even participated in confirmation. It happened only at the end of high school, when, thanks to an inquisitive search for various information, I realized that Christianity was imposed on our ancestors by force and there was basically nothing good about it. (more on this topic in my blogs, mainly https://eightfoldpathbyadapa.blogspot.com/ ) However, I could not find anywhere an alternative to Christianity that would suit me. Besides, I was becoming more and more addicted...

As a result of a terrible accident in my childhood, when I fell with the back of my head from about the metre onto concrete, in a sense I stopped emotionally maturing, which is why I was condemned to social ostracism and loneliness. (It hurt so much that if I could die then, I would definitely choose death...) Primarily in the sense of male-female relationships, but not only. About two years after this accident and until the end of primary school and in the first two years of high school (around the age of sixteen), I was so lonely that I even invented a friend to have someone to talk to, share problems with, etc. Then I started having friends from due to our shared interest in drugs, but overall I still felt lonely - I didn't see them as friends and they certainly didn't see me as friend either. When, a few years after high school, I got involved in the company of thieves, slightly younger than me, who took advantage of me financially and otherwise (for example, they played with my fears when we smoked marijuana), I still felt lonely (of course, I had no girlfriend, but also among them I felt lonely... without any support, understanding and sense of security that friends should give...). Lonely to the point where I started wishing I was dead. I didn't have the courage to hang myself or cut my wrists, so I tried to poison myself with drugs, mainly psychotropic ones, which I took for my psychological and neurological problems (after this accident and another similar one from very early childhood, which I don't remember, I have temporal lobe epilepsy and severe mood swings - bipolar disorder). At first several dozen, and later even several hundred pieces of different medications. However, I always ended up in the toxicology department and then in a psychiatric hospital.

In autumn 2015 when I had many unsuccessful suicide attempts, when my only goal was to get myself another bottle of beer or vodka, or a portion of drugs, or benzos, I was so fed up with my life that (being completely unaware of what Satanism is, like I think most of you) I typed the phrase "how to make a pact with the Devil" into Google. I was ready to sell my soul in exchange for the repair of my earthly life - but I did not know that my soul had ALREADY BEEN SOLD A LONG TIME (during baptism - for a false promise of eternal life...), and Satanism is the way to regain and repair it, including the possibility of repairing  psyche, body and everything that was wrong so far...

Instead of the instructions to "make a pact..." I found a PDF - "Spiritual Satanism", which I started to study in depth and understood a few basic things about Satanism:

1. Satanism is not the cult of evil, death, blood sacrifices, etc. Princess Astarte Innana Herself told me that offering bloody sacrifices to Her, Satan, or any of our Gods is tantamount to spitting in Their faces. SATANISM IS FREE FROM ALL VAMPIRISM AND CONDEMNS IT STRONGLY, AS DOES EVERYTHING THAT IS AGAINST HUMAN NATURE! The elites who sacrifice children to "bloody Lucifer", actually sacrifice them to "Christ Lucifer" - Lucifer, i.e. the shining one - and are eternal enemies of Satan and the Demons faithful to Him. (Lucifer is only a Latin title that is NOT a synonym for Satan, Satan currently renounces this title, which has become a pretext for slandering Him because of the vampiric crimes of conscious worshipers of this christian thought form - Christ Lucifer - which, loaded with the prayers of billions over the centuries, shines with a blatantly bright light for those who can see it) Satan does not currently rule world for about 2000 years, when that changes, they will all be dead. Astarte Innana, Goddess of Love, Fertility and REVENGE, will not forgive anyone who has ever harmed innocent people, especially defenseless children.

2. Satanism supports our true Nature. And here it must be clearly emphasized that for a Satanist, Human Natural Morality MUST BE the main determinant of behavior in life. Of course, this is not about a distorted concept of morality, such as christian "morality." Loving enemies, turning the other cheek, or forgiving harms acted perfidious and premeditated, especially towards our loved ones - is in fact ANTI-moral. And to follow this proper natural morality, you do not need any code or even explanation - you just need to listen to your natural conscience, which every Human has.

3. Satanism is development. First of all, it is about spiritual development, which has been taken away from us and is even often called a "threat to the soul" by the catholic church, just like one of its basic elements - yoga. But Satanism also promotes development in every field - knowledge, physical/fitness, or emotional (in the form of therapy or auto-therapy). Although Demons do not require complete abstinence from Their pupils, They obviously support sobriety, which is the basis for repairing one's psyche and related problems.

4. Satanism is about building and strengthening relationships with our Gods. What and how you can find on the website https://eightfoldpathbyadapa.blogspot.com/ . However, the important thing to mention is that Satanism, including Satanic spiritual development, is NOT FOR CHILDREN! Unlike christianity, which traps unconscious infants, in Satanism the basis for entering this Path is COMPLETELY CONSCIOUS AND VOLUNTARY CHOICE AND RESPONSIBILITY. But also and above all, Satanism is not for children for developmental reasons - one of the most important elements of the Eightfold Path is sexual activity, which "sleeps" in healthy and normally developing children. (And during adolescence it wakes up and matures...) Unfortunately, the leftists "fighting against pedophilia" do everything to awaken this in children en masse, "preferably" from the first days of their lives - check this out - https://www.bzga-whocc.de/en/publications/standards-for-sexuality-education/ - especially "The Matrix" - what they recommend for children in the age of 0-4, 4-6, 6-9, and 9-11 (check out yourself and stop talking bullshit "it is rightist propaganda"). And I think that you should protect your children from these pests at ALL COSTS, because it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT not to disturb this process of Natural growing up... but they will tell you that I am the bad and perverted one...

And finally, a short explanation of why the Demons I hang out with look like little girls to me. I present Them in the form of drawings to prevent accusations of publishing photos that do not belong to me, but I AM ABSOLUTELY NOT ASHAMED of the fact that They look like this to me. (If someone does not draw like Michelangelo and cannot draw Demons from his own imagination, then he/she necessarily has to use avatars - photos of existing people - to give the appearance (suiting both sides) of the Gods (Goddesses) with Whom he/she creating relationship, Who guide him/ her on the Eightfold Path. (More on this topic at https://eightfoldpathbyadapa.blogspot.com/ )) While I absolutely and firmly condemn any violation of children's sexual integrity, I am sick and tired of pretending to be someone else, which the current world forces me, and certainly hundreds of millions like me, to do so.  Ever since I was sexually aware, I have liked little girls the most. And I see absolutely nothing sick or perverted about it until I do not harrass them. (what is sick and perverted for me is that since my early adolescence the whole world around me has been trying to convince me that I am a "terrible and marginal pervert" because of my sexuality...) And my Beloved Demons love to look like that to me. (This is only an option for those willing - if you prefer, of course the Demons will look like adults to you, but my Demons are not ashamed of Their "girlish" appearance, which They have for me. Besides, it is only appearance. In our relationship They always remain Demons. They must be Demons anyway for everyone who uses any avatars to give Them an appearance. - The avatar must remain only an avatar - apart from appearance, in our perception it cannot have anything in common with the person in the photo.) They also, like me, ABSOLUTELY CONDEMN any violation of the sexual integrity of children, but also, like me, They see the "fight against pedophilia" for what it actually is - a social psychosis destroying us all, only masquerading as the protection of children's integrity, which is and has always been something NATURAL in the Human species. .This psychosis is in fact the main, although indirect, cause of most sexual abuse against children. I wrote a work about it, where I explain in detail my position on this topic - mydefenseeng.blogspot.com . I know that what I wrote there is so obvious and logical that even the biggest idiot/NPC with 50 IQ will understand my arguments. That the only thing that can stop you from understanding, or from reading, is this psychosis that I am describing, or to put it more bluntly - the PANIC FEAR OF BEING ACCUSED OF SUPPORTING PEDOPHILIA, OR BEING A PEDOPHILE... (FOR ME IT IS EQUALLY OBVIOUS THAT MANY LITTLE GIRLS ARE WONDERFULLY BEAUTIFUL, LIKE THAT MOLESTING THEM IS A HORRIBLE FILTH.) That's why I feel sorry for you more than I would be angry with you, but remember that you can put in your a.. any possible prejudices on me... I've never hurt any child in any way and I would never  committ any sexual crime, so before any "hating" please know in advance that I piss on it and I DON'T CARE ABOUT IT!!!

My main goal is to promote true Satanism. I expose the "fight against pedophilia" and share with you MY OWN concept of giving the image for my Demonic Lovers - just by the way...

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