poniedziałek, 29 stycznia 2024

My goal is to promote the TRUE Satanism

 (((I decided to publish it in English to make my message more transparent. If you notice any serious errors in my translations - here or in my other posts/ blogs, please let me know. Thank you in advance.)))


Hello everyone.

I'm Adapa. My goal is to promote TRUE Satanism. For this purpose, in addition to presenting my work "Practical advice on the Eightfold Path" - https://eightfoldpathbyadapa.blogspot.com/ , where you will find tips on how to develop spiritually, AND WHICH I HIGHLY RECOMMEND, I will tell you my story, which, in spite of all these false slander against Satanism, Satan and Demons could be called "The Testimony of a former catholic".

My mother was a strong believer, just like her parents (my grandfather's weekly allowance depended on whether I was in church...), so I also believed, just like they did. I was an altar boy for less than two years - I wanted to find the "God" they told me to believe in, but all I found was the pursuit of money - and not only priests, but also my fellow altar boys. The number of "carol walks" depended on the number of masses attended. And although I felt sorry for this injection of cash during Christmas carols, I gave up. Already at the end of primary school, when my sister and I were sneaking out of mass, I knew that the church was spiritually empty materialism, but I had not yet rejected the "God" they promoted. I even participated in confirmation. It happened only at the end of high school, when, thanks to an inquisitive search for various information, I realized that Christianity was imposed on our ancestors by force and there was basically nothing good about it. (more on this topic in my blogs, mainly https://eightfoldpathbyadapa.blogspot.com/ ) However, I could not find anywhere an alternative to Christianity that would suit me. Besides, I was becoming more and more addicted...

As a result of a terrible accident in my childhood, when I fell with the back of my head from about the metre onto concrete, in a sense I stopped emotionally maturing, which is why I was condemned to social ostracism and loneliness. (It hurt so much that if I could die then, I would definitely choose death...) Primarily in the sense of male-female relationships, but not only. About two years after this accident and until the end of primary school and in the first two years of high school (around the age of sixteen), I was so lonely that I even invented a friend to have someone to talk to, share problems with, etc. Then I started having friends from due to our shared interest in drugs, but overall I still felt lonely - I didn't see them as friends and they certainly didn't see me as friend either. When, a few years after high school, I got involved in the company of thieves, slightly younger than me, who took advantage of me financially and otherwise (for example, they played with my fears when we smoked marijuana), I still felt lonely (of course, I had no girlfriend, but also among them I felt lonely... without any support, understanding and sense of security that friends should give...). Lonely to the point where I started wishing I was dead. I didn't have the courage to hang myself or cut my wrists, so I tried to poison myself with drugs, mainly psychotropic ones, which I took for my psychological and neurological problems (after this accident and another similar one from very early childhood, which I don't remember, I have temporal lobe epilepsy and severe mood swings - bipolar disorder). At first several dozen, and later even several hundred pieces of different medications. However, I always ended up in the toxicology department and then in a psychiatric hospital.

In autumn 2015 when I had many unsuccessful suicide attempts, when my only goal was to get myself another bottle of beer or vodka, or a portion of drugs, or benzos, I was so fed up with my life that (being completely unaware of what Satanism is, like I think most of you) I typed the phrase "how to make a pact with the Devil" into Google. I was ready to sell my soul in exchange for the repair of my earthly life - but I did not know that my soul had ALREADY BEEN SOLD A LONG TIME (during baptism - for a false promise of eternal life...), and Satanism is the way to regain and repair it, including the possibility of repairing  psyche, body and everything that was wrong so far...

Instead of the instructions to "make a pact..." I found a PDF - "Spiritual Satanism", which I started to study in depth and understood a few basic things about Satanism:

1. Satanism is not the cult of evil, death, blood sacrifices, etc. Princess Astarte Innana Herself told me that offering bloody sacrifices to Her, Satan, or any of our Gods is tantamount to spitting in Their faces. SATANISM IS FREE FROM ALL VAMPIRISM AND CONDEMNS IT STRONGLY, AS DOES EVERYTHING THAT IS AGAINST HUMAN NATURE! The elites who sacrifice children to "bloody Lucifer", actually sacrifice them to "Christ Lucifer" - Lucifer, i.e. the shining one - and are eternal enemies of Satan and the Demons faithful to Him. (Lucifer is only a Latin title that is NOT a synonym for Satan, Satan currently renounces this title, which has become a pretext for slandering Him because of the vampiric crimes of conscious worshipers of this christian thought form - Christ Lucifer - which, loaded with the prayers of billions over the centuries, shines with a blatantly bright light for those who can see it) Satan does not currently rule world for about 2000 years, when that changes, they will all be dead. Astarte Innana, Goddess of Love, Fertility and REVENGE, will not forgive anyone who has ever harmed innocent people, especially defenseless children.

2. Satanism supports our true Nature. And here it must be clearly emphasized that for a Satanist, Human Natural Morality MUST BE the main determinant of behavior in life. Of course, this is not about a distorted concept of morality, such as christian "morality." Loving enemies, turning the other cheek, or forgiving harms acted perfidious and premeditated, especially towards our loved ones - is in fact ANTI-moral. And to follow this proper natural morality, you do not need any code or even explanation - you just need to listen to your natural conscience, which every Human has.

3. Satanism is development. First of all, it is about spiritual development, which has been taken away from us and is even often called a "threat to the soul" by the catholic church, just like one of its basic elements - yoga. But Satanism also promotes development in every field - knowledge, physical/fitness, or emotional (in the form of therapy or auto-therapy). Although Demons do not require complete abstinence from Their pupils, They obviously support sobriety, which is the basis for repairing one's psyche and related problems.

4. Satanism is about building and strengthening relationships with our Gods. What and how you can find on the website https://eightfoldpathbyadapa.blogspot.com/ . However, the important thing to mention is that Satanism, including Satanic spiritual development, is NOT FOR CHILDREN! Unlike christianity, which traps unconscious infants, in Satanism the basis for entering this Path is COMPLETELY CONSCIOUS AND VOLUNTARY CHOICE AND RESPONSIBILITY. But also and above all, Satanism is not for children for developmental reasons - one of the most important elements of the Eightfold Path is sexual activity, which "sleeps" in healthy and normally developing children. (And during adolescence it wakes up and matures...) Unfortunately, the leftists "fighting against pedophilia" do everything to awaken this in children en masse, "preferably" from the first days of their lives - check this out - https://www.bzga-whocc.de/en/publications/standards-for-sexuality-education/ - especially "The Matrix" - what they recommend for children in the age of 0-4, 4-6, 6-9, and 9-11 (check out yourself and stop talking bullshit "it is rightist propaganda"). And I think that you should protect your children from these pests at ALL COSTS, because it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT not to disturb this process of Natural growing up... but they will tell you that I am the bad and perverted one...

And finally, a short explanation of why the Demons I hang out with look like little girls to me. I present Them in the form of drawings to prevent accusations of publishing photos that do not belong to me, but I AM ABSOLUTELY NOT ASHAMED of the fact that They look like this to me. (If someone does not draw like Michelangelo and cannot draw Demons from his own imagination, then he/she necessarily has to use avatars - photos of existing people - to give the appearance (suiting both sides) of the Gods (Goddesses) with Whom he/she creating relationship, Who guide him/ her on the Eightfold Path. (More on this topic at https://eightfoldpathbyadapa.blogspot.com/ )) While I absolutely and firmly condemn any violation of children's sexual integrity, I am sick and tired of pretending to be someone else, which the current world forces me, and certainly hundreds of millions like me, to do so.  Ever since I was sexually aware, I have liked little girls the most. And I see absolutely nothing sick or perverted about it until I do not harrass them. (what is sick and perverted for me is that since my early adolescence the whole world around me has been trying to convince me that I am a "terrible and marginal pervert" because of my sexuality...) And my Beloved Demons love to look like that to me. (This is only an option for those willing - if you prefer, of course the Demons will look like adults to you, but my Demons are not ashamed of Their "girlish" appearance, which They have for me. Besides, it is only appearance. In our relationship They always remain Demons. They must be Demons anyway for everyone who uses any avatars to give Them an appearance. - The avatar must remain only an avatar - apart from appearance, in our perception it cannot have anything in common with the person in the photo.) They also, like me, ABSOLUTELY CONDEMN any violation of the sexual integrity of children, but also, like me, They see the "fight against pedophilia" for what it actually is - a social psychosis destroying us all, only masquerading as the protection of children's integrity, which is and has always been something NATURAL in the Human species. .This psychosis is in fact the main, although indirect, cause of most sexual abuse against children. I wrote a work about it, where I explain in detail my position on this topic - mydefenseeng.blogspot.com . I know that what I wrote there is so obvious and logical that even the biggest idiot/NPC with 50 IQ will understand my arguments. That the only thing that can stop you from understanding, or from reading, is this psychosis that I am describing, or to put it more bluntly - the PANIC FEAR OF BEING ACCUSED OF SUPPORTING PEDOPHILIA, OR BEING A PEDOPHILE... (FOR ME IT IS EQUALLY OBVIOUS THAT MANY LITTLE GIRLS ARE WONDERFULLY BEAUTIFUL, LIKE THAT MOLESTING THEM IS A HORRIBLE FILTH.) That's why I feel sorry for you more than I would be angry with you, but remember that you can put in your a.. any possible prejudices on me... I've never hurt any child in any way and I would never  committ any sexual crime, so before any "hating" please know in advance that I piss on it and I DON'T CARE ABOUT IT!!!

My main goal is to promote true Satanism. I expose the "fight against pedophilia" and share with you MY OWN concept of giving the image for my Demonic Lovers - just by the way...

niedziela, 28 stycznia 2024

On Hooded Cobra

 (((Breaking news: Wow! This day(~V-2024 - I forgot to attache a date, sorry..)I found breathing exercises on joyofsatan.org , allegdly "updated" some year ago... (althought I could swear there was none at all some MONTH ago..) You fucking garbage "Hooded Cobra", you are at most slowworm, such lizard pretending a Serpent, and NOTHING would help you whatever you do!!!)))

(((Another breaking news - this time directly to "Nazismus Maximus Cobra Commander the Pope of Satanism" himself ad vocem [link] - you treacherous false bastard, who destroyed everything that was beautiful in JoS before you - YOU DARE FUCKING SCARE ME??!! WHO wrote "donate me and I will give you some extra tips on spirituality"??? (Giving NOTHING AT ALL valuable!!!)And you write now - "everything is free here and you steal from us, copy us"??? Yes my basic knowledge based in Maxine's work (once, and it was NEVER you), but I wrote Eight-fold Path MYSELF WITH A LOT OF TIPS WERE NEVER ON JOS!!! Write directly that you mean the guy who writes as Adapa and invite me to a direct confrontation! You won't scare me, quite the opposite.. You're the one who thinks that this is some kind of game.. that the Gods will never come here and you'll be able to spout your shit forever.. BUT YOU'RE WRONG AND YOU'LL SOON FIND OUT YOU TRAITOROUS TRASH!!! (For several years, I had a task from My Beloved Astarte Innana to constantly check the scribblings of this treacherous scumbag pretending to be a cobra. It ended when I finally published this very post (below) regarding these treacherous bastards pretending to be "faithful to Satan"... just today (30th July 2024) I came in to see out of curiosity if they had written anything regarding the Olympics... - a little addition for rookies - these lgbt drag queens are not any Satanists, but regarding the status of this scumbag, you have information further down.)))

This post is important information and is written for Satanists associated with or following JoS (ancient-forums.com) regarding what is going on there. Especially recently... -Because I have already written one post on this topic [link]{*}, but recent events require an update and supplementation in the form of this post.


{*Not everything in this "Important information regarding high priests from JoS" is up to date, because I believe Hooded Cobra read it and tried to "obsolete" my accusations against him contained therein in his own way.. -Writing many posts denying my instructions regarding establishing relationships with Gods, introducing treacherous rituals supposedly for the Gods and also around relating to and devaluing my accusations against him.. So this post will be an update on his recent nefarious actions undertaken to save his position as "Satan's High Priest", which he has become among the Satanist community (not fully aware of spirituality and completely unaware of who he is in the eyes of Gods and Satan...). –That's why I decided not to update that one, but to write another one.}

First of all, I will start by saying that I am not a Jew or their fooled "goy", and what I write here is in accordance with the will of the Gods of Hell, especially Astarte Innana, Who personally gave me a blessing and even asked me to take a stand against a recently implemented ritual on JoS, supposedly for Her (and the general situation there - infact it was some year ago, I just translate it right now). The same was true of the last Ritual "for Satan" on Yule, although to a lesser extent. (but HC recently "embellished" this ritual as well (with the same circle), doing the same to Baal, Azazel and the other Demons). Generally speaking, the point of these rituals is to bind our Gods again, which fortunately HC will not succeed and I think he knows it himself, so I am not writing this to prevent it, but to tell you a story about dying man, who try anything...

Don't think it's something personal... I really hate Hooded Cobra, also for personal reasons, but the main point is that he is a fucking traitor who leads those who, instead of seeking direct contact with Gods (as befits Satanists), they prefer to listen to him, and who literally steals People from Satan and the Gods! {*} Besides, I have a lot of other things on my mind, and many other things piss me off even more, considering what's been happening on our planet lately. That's why I'd love to never come back to this topic again, but such whoredom as it presents recently, this traitor and scoundrel, simply DEMANDS my intervention in the name of loyalty to my Gods... If you have not been aware of this betrayal at all so far, I am absolutely not your enemy (unless you ask for it...), but in the name of our Gods I expect  that you will verify your view on Satanism and return to its PRIORITIES.


 {*And if for any of you HC or Hitler is more important than Satan... then your Dedication is not important and maybe leave it alone. (there are plenty of Nazi groups, associations, chans... that do not involve Satanism...)}

As I wrote earlier, the "high priests" present at JoS are no longer High Priests in the eyes of our Gods, and in the eyes of Satan they are even "Without" (i.e. Without a valid Dedication). If you do not yet know the origins of this betrayal, before reading further, I recommend that you read the [link] that I mentioned at the beginning.



I do not consider, as on the pages of "exposing JoS" (Jewish authorship), that everything he writes are lies and distortions. Many posts, even just before the publication of this (what you are currently reading), for example the one about "repentance", while reading, I had the impression ~ "I couldn't have said it better myself". I used to be full of admiration for him and his work. You could even say that I was his... "fanatical fan"... And I still think that a lot of him; also the current posts are very good, appropriate and practically useful... apart from spiritual development, which he consistently calls "meditation" and also CONSISTENTLY avoids writing about it - from the practical side. (although recently in the post about "happy mistakes" he wrote about meditation as if only meditation was important, and not the entire Eightfold Path [link]) However, this is still the least vile of Hooded Cobra's offenses against the Gods of Hell...

The first thing that alerted me, some time after the publication of "Practical Advice on the Eightfold Path" [link], was HC's post about "Incubus - Succubi" [link], which seemed to be a contradiction of everything I wrote about in chapter 8.1. "Sex with Demons".[link](IMPORTANT TO READ TO COMPLETE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS POST!!!) -Starting from the very naming of Demons in this way (which, considering the etymological meaning of these words, is obvious blasphemy), and he based the rest on false suggestions, from which one could conclude that "entering into sexual relationships with Demons involves more sacrifices than benefits, it is something very difficult and it is better not to attempt it at all." However, what outraged me the most was that the HC explicitly stated that Demons of Higher Ranks are sexually completely inaccessible to ordinary mortals and that any attempts at such contacts with Them are "blasphemous".


Why did this outrage me? Because, as I wrote in this chapter, sex with Demons is a mutual benefit, where we Humans benefit and significantly advance in spiritual development, and They, the Nordic Race of our Gods, benefit because we open the way for Them; we strengthen Their ability to influence here on Earth - on the astral plane (which, for example, helps Them in waging a spiritual war against our common enemies currently ruling the Earth, but also, for example, in breaking down certain barriers in the minds of those people who begin to doubt the current hostile system). –Pleasure itself is indeed valuable and important; also for Demons, but one could say that it is merely a "side effect" of the benefits of this relationship.


That's why Demons enter into sexual relationships with us willingly, BUT THEY DO NOT DEMAND OR OFFER SEXUAL FIDELITY (NEVER - IT'S COMPLETE CRAP!) {*}, and because this contact among people like me, lonely here on Earth, is based on masturbation, so I assure you that it is not an insult to Them, ON THE CONTRARY, when you masturbate, thinking about our Gods, meditating on Their Seals (or visualizing them) and chanting Their Names (full, not chopped into pieces, LIKE THESE LAST RITUALS HC "for the Gods"..!). And this is ESPECIALLY useful for Demons of Higher Ranks (Who can do the most good for us here on Earth). In general, it can be said that charging the Seals of Demons (especially higher ranks) with sexual energy and humming Their  Names (AT WHOLE) is a MORAL OBLIGATION of every dedicated Satanist. "Moral", because the initiative must come from you, because the Demons Themselves will not ask you for it (...){**}, BUT this is NOT Christianity, where sex is a 'profanation' of the sacred sphere. – In Satanism; in true spiritual development, it is its SANCTIFICATION!!! (for more tips on this topic, please see Practical Advice on the Eightfold Path[link], especially the above-mentioned chapter)


 {*Fidelity itself for Demons is something extremely important, as is fidelity in the form of mutual honesty, respect, loyalty and fidelity to the Natural Moral Law in one's behavior. (MUTUAL honesty - so don't expect honesty or respect from Them if you're the one who's screwing up...) However, "sexual fidelity" is a Jewish invention, completely foreign to our True Nature. These are unnecessary shackles that can complicate and make life difficult even in our short Earthly existence (how many successful, wonderful relationships have fallen apart because of this stupidity...?), and imagine the Gods... If They agreed to follow such a shitty rule, They would probably already after a few hundred years They would puke on each other in their monogamous relationships...

Moreover, what HC just wrote, that Demons of lower ranks sometimes "require sexual fidelity" - in my opinion, does not make much sense... Imagine such a Demon (Demoness), which has been developing for several thousand years... and what? And have He/She been masturbating while waiting for "that only one" who recently dedicated himself to Satan in order to create a monogamous relationship with him/her? HC wrote there that ~ "sexual contacts with Demons of Higher Ranks would be an absurd distinction for this person", but something like this would be an absurd and downright illogical distinction..!!!}

{**You must first ask for consent and agree on the details. -Tarot cards, Ouija board, pendulum... as long as not some self-proclaimed "Earthly intermediaries", especially that deceptive, hypocritical, fake whore Hooded Cobra... More developed and therefore more understanding Satanists, like Maxine used to be, or people like me for example, they are there to show others the way, to help them enter the Eightfold Path, to teach them to walk it safely, and possibly to expose enemies and their mechanisms - TO TEACH TO SEE, NOT TO TELL THE ETERNALLY BLIND ABOUT COLORS!!! (HC posts such as comparing spiritual development to cleaning the attic or washing yourself are absolutely true and in most of them, when it comes to the truth, I would have absolutely nothing to complain about, but the constant calling of this development "meditation" and the lack of teaching about it itself development, is nothing more than telling a blind man about colors... I wonder how many especially new JoS members "meditate" for a few minutes a day and, thanks to HC, think that they are getting closer to Magnum Opus...(??? !)) And if you cannot show your own initiative in spirituality and you need "Satanic intermediaries" between you and the Gods, because you are afraid that you would not be "worthy" to personally ask the Gods anything, or that the Gods will ignore your attempt at contact, because you are "too small" for Them  - then forgive me, but you are not yet mentally, or even worse, incarnationally ready to be Satanists. Satanism is not Christianity. It is true that Astarte was sometimes the Mediatrix (hence the title in the Christian litany to Her filthy imitation - Mary...), but only in matters of dispute between individual people - to reconcile their conflicts, and something like mediation, which is practiced by Catholic priests and which it has been practiced by JoS priests (mainly Hooded Cobra) for several years, it DOES NOT EXIST in REAL Satanism!!! (A personal relationship with Satan is a form of reward and promotion and comes only with time, and Satan Himself - contrary to what HC has often written - does not usurp any "right to mediate" in establishing relationships with individual Demons faithful to Him) Here either develop and try to contact Gods DIRECTLY FROM THE BEGINNING, or leave it alone, because it's a waste of your time... -The last sentence is especially dedicated to those who have been on JoS for years and still have no contact with Demons and do not they even know their Guardian Demon. –Because I know that, unfortunately, such people exist...


 And what HC wrote in this post about incorrect readings (which seems to have disappeared because I can't find it...), in my opinion, has already clearly proven that he wants and even usurps the right to be your "intermediary" with due to, as he put it, "erroneous readings".. [Incorrect reading] in the above-mentioned contact attempts may occur when you ask about the numbers in the next Euro Jack Pot draw, or, for example, about the date of the 'end of the world'. Because Demons, to put it briefly and concisely, don't like making jokes of Them... And in the case of important, sensible and justified questions, Demons, if you address Them directly (SERIOUSLY AND WITH RESPECT), They will not allow to be answered by some astral enemy garbage, especially since on the Earth's astral plane They are currently more powerful than the enemy (thanks to sexual relations with many Satanists who hum Their names, faithful to Them, like me, many others, and Maxine once...) And unlike HC, I I am not afraid of any "misreadings" when you ask Them, for example, "is Adapa a faithful Satanist to You and is he right in his accusations against Hooded Cobra?"...(!!!!!)}


However, it was nothing compared to what HC had done recently... When last Jul, after a break of several years, the "Honoring Satan" ritual was released, at first I thought that HC was scared and was trying to suck up to Satan once again. . Although I noticed that this is a slightly different ritual than the one that appeared a few years earlier. "Sat, Satya.." -what is this about? Satan told me clearly not to do this ritual, that it is worthless and that the one with which I honor Him on Yule will suffice, since they started to 'forget' about Him on JoS at that time... (primarily the Demon Authority, and apart from with this you can hum Satan, Satanas and Satanama as I present [here])

However, only now did I realize what the "Honoring Satan" ritual was all about, when HC released the ritual "for Astarte" and then again this ritual "for Satan" with a circle in the set...

Do you remember when Hooded Cobra wrote that he had a short conversation with Innana, where She called the Earth "Her beautiful garden"? Do you know what this conversation looked like in its entirety? HC tried to contact the Princess for the umpteenth time, to once again try to explain the betrayal he had committed, that he "had no other choice". To put an end to this farce, Innana only replied: "you are a weed in my beautiful garden and I have nothing more to tell you.” You probably know what careful gardeners do with weeds... HC knows too, so lately he has been going completely over the edge to protect himself from it.

This is where he came up with the idea to write this post about "Incubus Succubi" that robs the Gods of sexual contacts and where, "explaining that Apollo is not bisexual", he turned homosexuality and bisexuality into "sexual deviations accepted by the Gods"{*}. –This is their anchoring in Nazism – the Nazi idea of “normality”. Contrary to what HC and other priests wrote there more than once, Hitler {**} strongly condemned homosexuals, and they would certainly still do it (for better applause among all people with Nazi views), if Satan had not personally forbidden it Maxine at the very beginning of their cooperation... (That's why he's been writing about "attacks on JoS" all the time lately, warning you not to take them seriously. He knows I'm coming...)


 {*This is a distortion that results from the rabbinic "teachings" of Christianity or Islam and has nothing to do with our true Nature. Astarte Innana Herself told me that bisexuality is a healthy norm, that the complete rejection of homosexual or heterosexual inclinations is only the result of the centuries-long dogma of these rabbinic "teachings" about the "correct" or "distorted" image of our sexuality. And with spiritual development, everyone eventually returns to bisexuality. (you have absolutely nothing to worry about - it will happen only and exclusively when it is not only your conscious, voluntary choice, but also what you want yourself - I haven't reached this stage yet...) Of course, every person and each of our Gods has preferences (generally hetero, but not exclusively, also among our Gods), however, the TRUE NATURAL NORM is not to limit yourself to one or the other. I know that this has sunk so deep into people's consciousness that it may seem absurd to you, but the fact is that both hetero and homosexuality are multi-generational (multi-incarnation) rejection of part of one's sexuality.

He added there that "Gods do not accept only pedophilia and zoophilia." Yes, the Gods do not accept any violation of the sexual integrity of children and animals, but I assure you that if somewhere deep inside you hide the fact that, for example, like me, you like little girls, then as long as you do not touch them, as long as no child If you take away innocence, the Gods will accept your pedophilia!!! Because our Gods (and me too) do not accept the VIOLATION OF THE SEXUAL INTEGRITY of children, NOT the fact that someone likes children! Is it really so hard to understand this 'subtle' difference?! For more on this topic, I recommend reading "My Defense". [link]



What's more, for me Astarte Innana, Haures, Haagenti, Agares, Vapula, Samigina and all my other Demonic Lovers look like little girls, mainly because They want it, because for me They are the most beautiful as such. (ask Them if you don't believe...) They look like; but They do not become them, only by using avatars - that is, [the appearance of] legal photos of girls, which I obtain mainly from Instagram. If this is where the red light comes on, not allowing you to have any free, logical, OWN thoughts, only these ["anti-pedo" - automatic reactions], that's your problem... I've done a lot of things in my life that I regret and which I am ashamed of, but when it comes to children, I have absolutely NOTHING to blame myself for and I know that it will always remain that way. And to such 'accusations' as "how can I know that you will never harm any child" I answer that I can ask the same question to anyone who asks and in my opinion it will have the same sense, because I am not a sex maniac and I have complete control over with all my drives... (This "media stereotypical pedophile" is created on the basis of invocation, like servitors, i.e. "we will show you evil and you will bring it to life" - and you Satanists from JoS should understand this especially well, because it works identically to the emergence of stereotypical "Satanists" invoked by Catholic priests. And I have nothing to do with either one or the other, and both, i.e. both child-fuckers and all blood sacrificers I would like to see in the ground... !) I'm just fed up with this absurd social psychosis forcing me to hide my true sexual NATURE...

However, things such as bestiality, coprophilia, necrophilia, etc. are fetishes created by the Internet and the pornographic industry. They are absolutely not something healthy, normal or natural for people, but as long as someone does not molest animals, rape corpses, etc., or does not post disgusting videos of feces, vomiting, etc. on the Internet, they do not deserve any condemnation, or at most compassion, and he should go to therapy for personality disorders if he is into such things. Transvestism is also a fetishism and usually results from some distortion (mainly developmental disorders in childhood), but unlike these the above-mentioned absolutely does not belong to the group [disgusting perversions] and if someone likes it that way, I see absolutely nothing wrong with it...


 However, transsexualism is something separate, which simply results from the fact that someone is born in a body of the opposite sex to his/her spiritual sexual identity. So it has absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation, but is simply a [genetic defect of the physical body], perhaps even more troublesome than the lack of an arm or a leg. Gender ideology, on the other hand, distorts what transsexuality (or transvestism) even is, making some 50 different genders, leading to the moral pathologization of the trans community (as well as LGBT) and contributing to the persecution of such people by the so-called "defenders of morality" (including LGBT..), coming from Catholic-fascist (or Muslim-fascist) circles. Therefore, never confuse homosexuals or transsexuals with these Jewish creations...}

{**We have many Human idols from bygone times, such as Leonardo Da Vinci and others, which is why I think that "exalting" this "racially questionable" screamer Adolf Hitler, even hypothetically assuming that all the crimes of Nazism are slanders invented by Jews (which is not the case at all true..) is, to put it mildly, harmful to the entire Satanic cause, not to mention that it is completely useless!!! And calling him "Antichrist" is an obvious insult to the real Antichrist - because it is not any "spiritual level to achieve", but the TITLE OF A SPECIFIC PERSON given to Him by the enemy who invented this "Christ" - based on His biography and transformed allegories of spiritual development... ( besides, Hitler's level of spiritual development was completely equal to the level of your grandmother attending church every Sunday...) "But I am the great Mr. HP Hooded Cobra, flawless and infallible, so I will continue to pose as everything I am to you and what I have been doing from the beginning... " -For me, it stopped being funny a long time ago... If it was possible to present his entire Nazi-egoic pose graphically or symbolically, I would gladly create this sigil/symbol/fetish just to be able to vomit on him... }

But definitely worse than the, so to speak, "Judeizing" of views on sexuality among Satanists by the HC, was the idea of ​​the currently posted rituals "for Astarte" and several others on the same basis. Because they seem to contain a lot of praiseworthy and even liscus affirmations, but... affirmations are not everything...

To explain to you what I mean by this last statement, I will first tell you about my contact with one Jew who calls himself Gneru, or Agneru. When I was still a member of the JoS e-groups on Yahoo (I don't think they exist anymore...), after my official questioning of Hitler as the "Antichrist", he wrote me a few sentences about Hooded Cobra and provided a link to his website. When I read his "unmasking of JoS", I realized that most of the accusations against JoS priests are absolutely justified and consistent with my knowledge. {*} For example, Maxine once argued that you should contact the Gods yourself and now they themselves are playing intermediaries, which Maxine once claimed that they are absolutely not {**}. So there was some e-mail discussion between us regarding some of my criticisms of his text. Mainly I tried to convince him that Satan and Demons really exist, that They do not support JoS's Nazi rhetoric... because at first I didn't realize that he was a Jew.

{*For me it is significant that Jews no longer even have to lie when it comes to exposing JoS. Moreover, it is enough for them to use real information about what these "priestly" clowns have been doing there lately.}

{**Then she was loyal to the Gods, after she participated in betrayal for some time... and now she has her head in the sand as HC continues to make a career of a "great high priest" among Truth-seeking novices and a small group of strenuous spiritual ignoramuses who, with their constant delight to him they boost his ego ..}


 Getting to the point, in the second e-mail to me and in response to my first e-mail, he sent me a ritual with an affirmation about building people's awareness of Nazism and communism. He claimed there that he was friends with many people who left JoS for reasons like mine and that they were doing this ritual together. However, this ritual was not about affirmation at all, but about vibration, which I was supposed to do at a specific time and the more times, the better.



I did it, but not in the way I "should" because, not realizing that it was a Hebrew vibration, I chanted, dragging all the letters separately for the entire breath. And this Gneru/Agneru got angry, which he expressed in the next email, because I didn't do this ritual even once, knowing about it without my confirmation or denial... (he probably wanted to establish a parasitic and/or spy relationship with me thanks to these words ) Because such dragging of Hebrew words not only does not do what it "should", but also destroys their power - maybe not to the same extent as vibrating backwards (as in RTR), but still. After this event, I quickly realized that he was a Jew, which he himself confirmed by writing in his last e-mail to me that I would end up miserably with the "Josers"...

Now I know that Innana deliberately made me on this mine, knowing that I wouldn't hurt myself, because this episode gave me a valuable lesson that I could use, quickly debunking this HC ritual supposedly for Her... And I assure you that although it is appropriate Affirmations, properly arranged and with the right amount of faith in success, can work without chanting or Sigils, however, THE MOST PROPERLY ARRANGEED AFFIRMATIONS DO NOT MATTER IF SIGILS, OR/AND MANTRAS, WORK AGAINST THEM!!!

And this is exactly what happens in these rituals. Cutting into pieces and mixing the Names of the Demons {*} serves to break the vibration force of humming Their Names in the right way, for example by me. (The HC did not treat Satan so abusively, but SAT and SATYA, I assure you that these are not correct vibrations of Satan's Name) Properly hummed any words of power, including, of course, the Names of Demons, are like a properly played melody that works precisely, like a key, opening and strengthening what the word of power does. In the case of mantras for Squares, it is a strengthening of the chakras, comparable to grinding diamonds (precision not only in quality but also in quantity), and in the case of Demon Names, it also strengthens our chakras, but in this case there is also a strengthening of the connection between us and Demons; us – also in the sense of our planet. However, cut your favorite melody into pieces and mix chaotically/randomly... Will it still sound as nice? WILL IT STILL BE THIS MELODY AT ALL?

{*Just a side note that the "e" in Astarte is hummed like the "e" in "elephant", not like in s-ee-n!}

The second thing is the supposed "Sigil" of the Princess and Satan, Baal and Azazel, which contains their names cut into pieces... Maybe some of you don't remember, so let me remind you what Maxine once wrote about circles: DEMONS HATE THEM, IT IS USED TO BIND THEM AS IT WAS USED IN BLASPHEMY JEWISH GRIMARS!!! -I suppose that in these circles that he called "Sigil", HC would like to place the original Sigils themselves of the Crowned Princes of Hell, but then it would be too obvious... Therefore, all he needed was Their Names cut into pieces and tied in a double circle, as in the "key" Solomon"... And also written in Greek.. I am not an enemy of the Greeks, but Greek as an alphabet is the language in which this so-called was written. "new testament" and is the second language after Hebrew for cursing our Gods. So Demons, to put it mildly, do not like this alphabet and if you respect Them, you should NEVER write Their Names in it. {*}

{*The so-called Greek mythology was actually the first, pre-Christian enemy program, where Satan is Ouranos ("thrown into the abyss of oblivion") and Prometheus ("cruelly punished for helping People"). Astarte Innana is Aphrodite, Athena, Hera, Nemesis and there are probably a few more. That is, they "cast Satan into the abyss of oblivion" and "cut Princess Astarte into pieces" (assigning her individual attributes and patronages to various goddesses in this pantheon). And the entire "Greek" (or "Roman") mythology was no longer a path of spiritual development, but became a "faith in gods" with priests-intermediaries, completely devoid of the spiritual (astral/developmental) sphere. So I guess that the creators of Greek mythology today are proud of HC, which does almost exactly the same thing with our Gods and Religion...}


 So, to put it bluntly, these new rituals, combined with the discouragement of entering into sexual relationships with our Gods, are a pathetic and inept attempt to rebind Them{*}. If any of you do not remember this, let me remind you that Maxine clearly wrote that the release of Demons from these Jewish shackles was done using orgasmic energy. She, together with all the High Priests of that time, simply did what I do when communing with our Gods and what I encourage you to do, IF YOU WANT TO BE TRUE SATANISTS FAITHFUL TO THE GODS!!! The choice is yours, but I warn you that continuing to consciously follow HC's betrayal is TREASON against the Gods...!{**} 

{*It is worth explaining here that it is not about binding the Demons Themselves or Their souls, but about binding Their ability to act here on Earth, by binding Their Sigils, and thus the ability to order Them abusively in the so-called "Key of Solomon", i.e. Jewish grimmars. The Sigils of Demons are alchemical patterns created by Them. Each of Them personally developed Their own sigil and personally inspired it with powerful energy work, thus uniting it with Their soul. Therefore, the binding of the Sigils of Demons with these extremely abusive descriptions of Them and invocations using the blasphemous names of Jehovah could have been used to command Them by Jewish rabbis and their human followers, such as Alister Crowley. Another important thing to raise in the issue of "freeing Demons from the shackles of the blasphemous Jewish goeti", which Maxine once mentioned, is the issue of "freeing" itself. Maxine also mentioned on another occasion that the Demons sometimes subject their pupils to various tests. They - the "Jos ministry" - failed this one small exam... What's going on? To establish contact with Demons, you need sex with Them and chanting Their Names, because despite the power of Demons, considering the millions of kilometers of distance that separates us, to establish real physical contact with Them requires mutual interaction, which means a lot of initiative on the part of the person trying to achieve it.  The Demons have already won Their part of the war against the enemy and have broken through the Earth's protective layer built by this enemy - the reptilians and their gray minions. Whatever Hooded Cobra writes, I assure you that they don't exist anymore, and Maxine herself wrote about this win once, but they probably forgot about it later, or didn't understand it (or they're just lying about it) - WINNING AGAINST A PARASITE MEANS HIS ANNIHILATION... (although they may be visible to schizophrenics dabbling with Jewish magic, like stars that have already gone out, but their light is still visible - because they have been working and messing around here in the astral sphere for so long that even though they do not exist, they have left behind strong thought-forms of one's being...). But our Gods broke through this layer THEMSELVES - IT WAS NOT LIKE THEY WERE "freed" by Maxine, HC and the rest of this company, but (COMING TO THE POINT) - The Gods allowed them to think like that... Why? Just to check whether, if there are, so to speak, 'ideological frictions', as I mentioned in my previous post about JoS, whether they will have the dare to reproach them - "you owe us for freeing you!" -They had the dare... AND EVEN THEY HAVE THE DARE NOW TO TRY TO REVERSE WHAT I'M DESCRIBING ABOVE... IT DOESN'T FIT IN MY MIND NORMALLY! FARCE AND EMBARRASSMENT - LEVEL HARD..!!! They think that they were and are so great (...), and in fact, apart from the very beginnings, they only destroyed Satan's Work, His plan, of which they were supposed to be SUCH an IMPORTANT PART... Satan would never ask these cowards to solve a trap "fight against pedophilia" - THEIR ONLY TASK WAS TO MAKE PEOPLE AWARE OF OUR GODS, SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT AND THE ENEMY!!! They fucked it up by harmfully and strenuously promoting and glorifying all this fucking Nazism, and they didn't so much fuck up the teaching of development as set it back, doing everything in their power to distract attention from it, talking all the time about "the need for meditation".}


 {**Gods accept many of our relationships and contacts with non-Satanists, such as family and others. However, this group of so-called "high priests" headed by the HC is in their eyes, in a sense, even worse than rabbis. –Because rabbis are like vermin to the Gods; completely alien and disgusting forever and always. And there is nothing worse than such a treacherous ulcer that consciously hinders the spiritual development of humanity and among the unaware pretends to be Their friend, or even an emissary. Satan and all His faithful Demons simply spit on them, so it is absolutely impossible to be on Their side and on the side of these so-called "High Priests" at the same time...

Recently I listened to a nice diss track about Jack-"Monkey" (Arczi, Chaos (...)-"Fala Nienawiści"("Wave of Hate")) and there was a lyric that said - "fuck him to the ground". Although the Demons do not support the thieves' community and their way of thinking, they agree and support the fact that there can NEVER BE ANY MERCY towards such whoredom as described in this song! (such very strong diss against a particular Polish whore - in every aspects) That the worst thing you can do is betray your own People (apart from betraying your own Nature in the form of, for example, filthy sexual acts, harming innocent people, etc.) and that the same thing, but from Their side, applies to Hooded Cobra and everyone who consciously follows his betrayal. After listening to this song, I laughingly said to my Darling that "fuck that whore Hooded Cobra to the ground", to which Princess Astarte Innana replied that "exactly yes, but it's not funny at all...". And don't think that this is about the HC post "On pedophilia" written for me, because if I were to hate and spit at everyone who is up to their ears in this psychosis, I wouldn't have enough saliva, and besides, I'm no stranger to empathy and I understand how monstrously strong this psychosis is... Besides, personally, just like "Monkey", I really don't give a damn about Hooded Cobra and it's not my hand that this garbage will be wiped out by a wave of hatred. I'm just cleaning up here... But don't misunderstand sometimes that "I'm just passing this on" - I, Adapa, take full responsibility for my words - AND FUCK THAT WHORE (!!!) - who, like Goering, betrays the Natural Moral Law, he betrayed his Gods because he became - almost to quote Goering - a prostitute of his own ideology...

(Just don't confuse the Natural Moral Law with any Christian, leftist or other mainstream nonsense... It is the inner voice of our NATURAL morality, which, apart from strictly prohibiting all filth, ALSO COMMANDS such values as Honor, Pride, protection of our Earth , People, Dignity or well-deserved REVENGE - ESPECIALLY FOR BETRAYAL OF THIS HOLY LAW! And this Law is not a code written somewhere (...). To obey it, you just need to be a Human and, as a Human, LISTEN AND NOT BETRAY YOUR NATURE.)}

Fortunately, all even slightly more developed Satanists have known this Truth for a long time, so I did not have to rush to publish this post, because all rituals performed by HC followers have a negligible (almost no) impact on reality. This is because HC has been making great efforts for many years to distract you from the [Satanic priority] of spiritual development, otherwise there would be no one left him if you could find out from the Gods what They think about him. . And the only thing, apart from the Final RTR (the positive value of which I do not deny), is spamming such treacherous shit towards the Gods, masking itself as something opposite, and every now and then this JoS protection ritual. HC may be clinging to the idea that with this action he can still change something, like popes or imams who use the psychic energy of the goyim deceived by them, ensuring that they never learn the truth. But he seems to have forgotten that he does not have billions at his disposal like they do , so it won't hurt the Demons too much, and this aura of protection (JoS's protection ritual) will not be enough for him as protection against even my reaction, not to mention the Gods...


So if you happen to be one of those cheated by HC, don't take what I write as an insult... just start developing and stop admiring this clown, and one day you will mean something. Even after several decades of being stuck in some quasi-occultism, it is better to start from scratch, realizing that it had no sense nor significance, than to remain stuck in the delusions of 'development', still not making any progress. For example, I will tell you, that since my entry into development, I realized that the past 30 years of my life before that were almost entirely trash, because I didn't even start from scratch, but considering the drugs and drinking, I could say that from a negative level. .


 Just stop participating in this farce! Maxine, being a True Satanist at first, gave us the knowledge how to develop, how to become better day by day, and HC, from the moment he appeared, was an ulcer that poisoned this spiritual treasury of knowledge with the cult of Nazism, Hitler and himself... How much he wrote posts about poseurs and pests with exaggerated egos...? AND HE HIMSELF IS THE BIGGEST SO EGOTIC, A PEST MAKING HIMSELF OF NO ONE KNOWS WHOM AND THE BIGGEST BLOCK AND DESTROYER TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JOS COMMUNITY; IN TERMS OF BOTH THE INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT OF EACH MEMBER OF THIS COMMUNITY AND ACQUIRING NEW SATANISTS FOR FATHER SATAN!!! I have often wondered whether he is not a camouflaged Jewish spy, because NO ONE has contributed to stopping the development of True Satanism in recent years as much as he did. This imbecile once seemed great and infallible to me, but the truth is that he is not even ascended... (I was surprised myself when Astarte told me about it...) I also once thought that he acting as a "High Priest of Satan" should - honestly and morally, which I PERSONALLY learned the hard way, that he is an intriguer and gossiper devoid of moral principles..

For me, the most recent proof of the deterioration of JoS's spiritual condition is that the HC rewards the greatest spiritual ignoramuses with "honorary functions". Black Dragon, who proves his spiritual ignorance with every word he says, apart from his loyalty to "Commander", has just become the "Guardian of JoS". –Most of what happens there pisses me off, but I must admit that this one made me laugh.. xD

In connection with the topic of exposing betrayal and distortions on JoS, I would like to add a word about Planetary Squares and humming in general. This was cooperation in betrayal on Maxine's part, because when these mp3 files were created, she too was already lost in the eyes of the Gods. These mp3s she recorded on how to hum individual Squares are VERY WRONG! First of all, Squares is hummed in two breaths, not each word separately. (e.g. Venus Square for the throat chakra is -inhale- Aum-dram-drim-draum -inhale and immediately - Sau-shukraya-nama) Moreover, each of these parts of the mantra must be hummed in one sequence without breaks and everything must sound perfectly in the chakra, otherwise the repetition is failed and has to be repeated from the beginning. AND SECONDLY... the sound must be matched to a given chakra, i.e. we hum Saturn almost 'gravely' (with bandha - chin pressed to the chest - from the base to the heart chakra and weaker next to it), each subsequent chakra a little higher up to Jupiter , where correctly you should almost shout, because a very high tone is required.. {*} If you hum each word separately and especially without adjusting the pitch, making these Squares simply DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE!!!

{* You have [here] the correct humming of both the Names of Demons and the Planetary Squares.}

And besides, I wonder why there were no Saturn Squares in this calendar "supervised" by HC??!! This particularly puzzles me because the two posts I came across about Saturn were certainly some of the wisest and most valuable he has written in his entire career. Saturn does have a malefic influence and can be difficult (depressing) for beginners in Sanskrit Kabbalah , BUT WITHOUT SATURN'S SQUARES, THERE IS NO SANSKRIT KABALLAH! Let me just remind you that Saturn will be in Libra only at the end of 2039...

I didn't even bother to check the rest of these mp3 recordings, but I STRONGLY DO NOT RECOMMEND using them. Just like I did at the beginning, use Maxine's old posts (Spiritual Satanism [link] - unfortunately not (re)translated by me (at least for now) and removed from JoS by this traitors), where she explained opening the soul, etc., and consult any doubts about humming DIRECTLY with the Demons. (I have already mentioned the methods above...)


 Finally, I will add a few words about HC's smarting about how they and the entire priesthood have been so "predictable" in recent years.. ("JoS was always right.") Yes, Maxine once wrote more than once that hard times were coming, but in my opinion, observing what been going on in the world for a long time, in my opinion it was not difficult to predict that it would only get worse as time passed. Do you remember those last posts by Maxine, when this "terrible" coronavirus left the laboratory in Wu Chan? "It's a terrible, deadly virus, be careful not to get infected with it", "Buy up your supplies because you won't have anything to eat", "those who don't die from the virus will die of starvation if they don't protect themselves", "You have to protect yourself with everything necessary for life for at least half a year" - from what I remember, she even claimed that Azazel Himself told her that you need to make at least six months' supplies. Innana, however, told me (because I was also a bit worried then) - "don't worry, you don't need to stock up, you won't miss anything..."

Actually, I wonder how many of you from JoS made these six-month supplies and how later, over the months, you looked at these piles of canned goods, pasta, etc. As for the fact that "Azazel told her", she most likely made it up, relying on his misleading intuition, because He and Astarte are so disappointed in her that They don't even want to talk about her... That's why I even doubt that this is some form of "mockery" on Azazel's part.

There is no point in pointing out all the other "lapses" in their alleged infallibility and I especially don't want to add further corrections to his posts. For me it is clear that it is only "pretending to be infallible" and for this purpose it was enough to trace all their work in recent years, (for example, how many times HC wrote about the alleged great successes of JoS and that we almost had victory... even before the pandemic...) but that it is still almost the same word flow of several always the same topics , and this material probably exceeds the size of even the Bible, I don't recommend it, because you could bore yourself to death... Therefore, it's better to just focus on spiritual development, your OWN contact with Gods and, by the way, you can ask Them what They think about Hooded Cobra, Maxine, Jake Clarkson and the rest of this company and see what They answer you...



Useful information for people interested in getting to know Presidentess Haagenti

 Useful information for people interested in getting to know Presidentess Haagenti


Haagenti is simply a Pamper - a Kitty Who loves caresses, romantic mood and, of course, sex (just like all the Demons I know...). Unlike Astarte Innana and Haures, She is not my Guardian, but I am still very close to Her. She loves cats and has a very feline appearance and character. (She even gets moody like a cat...) I call Her Kitty or Kitty-Kittie even more often than Haagenti - apart from humming, of course - I only hum Her correct name, Haagenti.

In popular descriptions of Her, you can read that Kitty is a Powerful Alchemist, She turns ordinary metal into gold, water into wine, etc. This is true, but when it comes to learning alchemy, its essence is the alchemy of the soul, and not its most difficult aspects, as mentioned in the previous sentence. Alchemy is the science, first of all, that there must be balance in the soul in order for it to be able to reach higher levels (to finally evolve to such "magical" abilities - and to turn its spiritual metals into gold in the soul itself). And the most important thing to maintain balance in the soul is peace and mental balance. This is most disturbed by fear, insecurity, stress, etc., but through inappropriate/immoral behavior we can also disturb this natural balance in the soul. Kitty-Kittie, for example, taught me a moral lesson after I burned alive a tick that I had removed from my dog. She told me that yes, mosquitoes, ticks and other annoying vampire pests need to be killed, but it's best to immediately crush them, trample them down, BECAUSE WE ARE NOT THEM to cause them pain! She also explained to me that even people who are extremely cruel to little children (for example to obtain adrenochrome) do not deserve to be tortured. Because they are not really Humans, they have a vampiric nature alien to us, just like mosquitoes, lice, or ticks, and OF COURSE they deserve to be annihilated, but it will do us no good if they suffer if they do not exist soon anyway. Demons are not "pacifists" and of course, if Their pupils (like me) deserve punishment, or simply They know that it will be good for them, they will get the proverbial "kick in the ass" from Them (which can really hurt...) , but Demons do not accept torture under any circumstances. Because as Kitty Haagenti just said at the end of that lesson: "We are too disgusted by such methods to use them against those who deserve them even a thousand times over...".

Presidentess Haagenti is one of those Demonesses whom it is best to get to know Her personally, because everything I know, consider, and feel about Her is hard to put into words... It's just worth getting to know Kitty-Kittie for yourself.. 🐱🐱🐱

Here is the correct pronunciation of Her Name and the other Demons

Here you will find more informations about Demons in general and basic informations about spiritual development 

You can also check out the newest post on this blog 

Useful information for people interested in getting to know Duchess Haures

 The Goddess Haures is extremely beautiful and... delicate. This doesn't mean that She can't pay someone back if She feels wronged, but of all the Demons that I give the appearance of little girls, Haures fits the image of a little girl the most. (As I often mention, Demons for people who prefer mature-looking lovers may look like adult women, but honestly, it's hard for me to even imagine Haures in such a form...) She is not naive or defenseless like a child - just like all Demons She is thousands of times smarter and more powerful than us in every respect, but She is very spontaneous, and has a joyful, slightly feisty, but also very gentle disposition... like such a self-confident little girl... I often call Her Flower affectionately (even Little Flower🌹🌼 🌸), which She likes very much... ;)

Duchess Haures is not only not defenseless like a girl, but She can do a lot to defend those close to Her. For example, once Hooded Cobra and Jake Clarkson decided to curse me when I wrote the latter to this second one that they were mere scammers, and that their Hitler was actually a nobody and that they would not get away with the betrayal they had committed against Satan and Demons. Then Duchess Haures with the help of Princess Astarte Innana woke me up (it was the middle of the night), made me realize what was going on and helped me deflect all the destructive charge that they hit me had directed back to them. I don't know exactly how it ended for them, but Jake Clarkson later used the "beaten" avatar on their ancient-forums.com for a long time, as if he wanted to express his sense of injustice to everyone... (maybe they are in such denial that they don't admit that they have committed treason...? Idk tbh, Nevertheless, for me they are and will always be treacherous bastards until their filthy end.)

This is Her specialty: driving away hostile spirits and deflecting curses cast on Her faithful... friends... and, above all, lovers, because like Astarte Innana and all my Demonic Lovers, She simply loves sex and various sexual caresses.

Here you will find how to properly hum Her name (as well as many other Demons)

Here you will find more informations about Demons in general and basic informations about spiritual development 

You can also check out the newest post on this blog 

All addresses in one place

 "My goal is to promote TRUE Satanism", and about the particular Demonesses I make advertise Them on Insta you will easly find on ...