wtorek, 16 marca 2021

RTR's as "ninth element".

 RTR's as "ninth element". (Our main rtr is humming Demon's Names - look 2 paragraphs below)

(((You can continue to do these Rituals if you absolutely want to, but Princess Astarte Innana officially declares that the priority for Satanists loyal to Satan and all His Demons is to hum Their Names and charge their Seals with your own sexual energy. [Here] you have pronuntion, Sigils (Seals) you'll find [here] (from p. 151 you can also find them somewere else, but WITHOUT circles around (VERY IMPORTANT). So, if you are duly fulfilling this, THEN YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY EXEMPTED FROM ANY RTR's.))))

(I am not deleting the rest of the post and leaving it for the benefit of those who want to do something for Satan, but for some reason can't or don't want to realize this Satanic priority...the rest about spirituality, I wrote [here] )

Just as we have the fifth element, Ether, which complements the four basic elements of matter and energy in the magical sense{*} of the world around us, so in walking the Eightfold Path, with the help of our Demonic Friends, the ninth element in the form of RTR is necessary.

{*This is not any "hocus-pocus." The atoms of all the elements are composed of the five elements and have an elemental nature. The whole universe in all its nooks and crannies and aspects is composed of these elements. It is more about their energetic meaning (the whole matter of the universe is an effect/consequence of manifestation of energy), because, for example, the Water element is not quite the same as water in a glass, or the Earth element is not quite the same as soil, although these things are related to each other on the basis of their properties, functions, mutual interactions, manifestation of the power of the magic of the elements in reality etc.}

By way of introduction, I use just such a real-life example to describe and to give you credibility how such rituals work. Once on the Polish website "wiocha.pl" I encountered an atheistic meme which ridiculed an internet prayer circle for our Polish first secretary Jaroslaw Kaczynski. I assure you that if it didn't work, they (the creators of this project) wouldn't bother....

Only it is not the case that when the right group of people prays, this so-called "Jehovah", or his son "Jesus", or his mother, the now and always virgin one(...), finally decides to listen to these fervent prayers and acts.... Such an interpretation from a rational point of view is indeed embarrassing.

These prayers work because our thoughts are electrical impulses, which are strengthened (or weakened) by the will and the emotions. The thoughts (wishes, fears, ambitions, curses...) of one person, who is deeply rooted in Christianity (or other such nastiness) have very little power to influence reality. But even such Christians, when a million (or more) of them gather and "pray" to "Jesus", a chair, a slipper (anything) for the same thing/the same intention and believe in the result of their action (the stronger the belief, the stronger the influence of their thoughts) - then the energy of their thoughts, although individually negligible (almost none), will be able to influence reality according to their wishes during this prayerful concentration...

(One could say that on the occult side, we are simply dealing here with building a protective aura for this first secretary...)

On the other hand, if you are aware of your own energy, which will certainly happen soon, if you follow the Eightfold Path according to my instructions, and if you add appropriate vibrations to your intentions, the power of your thoughts' influence will be much greater! AND THE MORE OF US, THE MORE WE CAN DO!!!

So I solemnly announce that in the Name of Father Satan and all the faithful to Him Demons I introduce NEW PRIORITIES!!! -at least in relation to what is on JoS, because putting the matter bluntly the "High Priests" present there in the eyes of Satan and His Demons are TRAITORS and are now even seen as those Without, that is, without valid Dedication to Satan.... 

The general point is that contrary to what Hooded Cobra has bullshitted many times, Rituals are energy and are not like a pyramid built to "last and still work" when not done.... This Final Ritual{*}, yes it is important and as much as possible I do NOT advise against doing it still. Only that because of the importance of the Greek Rituals, I suggest doing the vibration of the letters after 1, or 3 and not after 9, unless you have the throat time and desire to get it all out.... (just don't forget about the Eightfold Path too - that is the real FIRST PRIORITY of a true Satanist!!!)  

{*How to do this Ritual properly is well described [here]. After the Ritual you should of course greet Father Satan (Glory to Satan, or Ave Satanas if you prefer), but in my version of this Ritual I removed the greeting from the paper itself. (Because of the fact that if you print it on cards, it is worth destroying it later, trampling it, etc., it is better that Satan's Name is not written there.) A black "permanent" marker is best for erasing letters. I'll also add that I personally print out a larger quantity at a copy shop and keep it under a cupboard on the ground "face down" - it's an appropriately "honourable" place for these sheets of paper if you print for backup, as I do.

Lately, there's also been this inversion of the tetragrammaton. This is as much as possible to do after the Final (as its final part) and takes no more than 10-15 minutes. [Here] you have Commander's post on the subject with the Ritual itself. (Alternatively, you could also print it out, like the Ultimate, but I suggest learning the steps to the affirmation first and removing them from this picture and moving the affirmation to a triangle, shortening this picture). Also remember that from the second row, the last one "TUY" is shorter in pronunciation identically to the second one "DUY". In the affirmation itself, I personally suggest AUM-af-AUM-AUM... as in Ultimate. Cobra and the rest of the company are working for the destruction of our common enemies like me, but he is also conflicted with Satan and the Gods (or rather They with him - I explain this in the last chapter of this work...), so he avoids as much as he can the VERY DEVELOPING AUM (so that as few Satanists as possible can learn this truth) and even "forgot" this time about the "Hail Satan" at the end of the Ritual....

The vibration of the letters itself you do exactly according to the audio-instructions in the link from the paragraph above. When I did it the first few times I played Maxine's pronunciation on my phone pausing every letter. This is best, especially for non-English speakers because English phonetics is a bit complicated. For affirmations, it's good to add AUM to yourself. (I suppose they didn't do this on JoS so that the Ritual itself would be the least "developmental" for those performing it, which I'll explain to those interested in the last chapter below.) Simply AUM-(as in humming breath)-affirmation-AUM-AUM-affirmation-AUM-AUM-affirmation-AUM-affirmation-AUM-greeting to Satan-crushing the card, throwing it on the ground, trampling it..-clearing the aura and the end of the Ritual.

It is important to put emotions into it, like anger, rage, hatred, etc. It is important to put emotions into it, like anger, rage, hatred, etc. -thinking about the current situation on our planet and all those responsible for it; for this coronavirus, environmental pollution, tons of plastic in the oceans, priests picking on children, this so-called "Islamic State", senseless wars, scandals, absurdities of everyday life...(...). These very letters and curses are responsible for all this, so destroy them consciously and zealously so that our dear Earth can finally breathe. 

You can also edit this Ritual in an editing program such as Paint if you do not want to waste paper or have poor access to a printer. Of course, it must be important for Satan's Warriors to take care of the environment, so if you want to print them out and you don't have a stove where they could end up as kindling, just throw them away in the recycled paper.}

However, from now on the MOST IMPORTANT RITUAL IS DEMONIC AUTHORITY!!! It was specifically neglected by the clergy of JoS because this Ritual removes the curse preventing us from contacting our Beloved Gods. Simply when the deluded JoS community is able to talk to the Gods, they will learn the truth. WHICH IS WHY THEY NO LONGER SPAM THIS RITUAL. AND THEY ALSO DON'T ENCOURAGE SEX WITH DEMONS AND VIBRATING THEIR NAMES! (Which is even more important in terms of opening access to our astral space to our Beloved Gods...) 

The ritual is underneath, but I will add from myself that the correct way to perform it is, as I recommended AUM with the Ultimate, you do SATANAS-affirmation-SATANAS-SATANAS-affirmation-SATANAS-SATANAS.... -and so on until the last affirmation and -SATANAS. (Of course SATANAS with each letter in turn, as I wrote in the chapter on Kundalini) It is best to do the vibration three times and the affirmation three times (EVERYDAY), because those suggestions by Hooded Cobra that this 10/10 Ritual could take 15 minutes were, in my opinion, already the first effects of what I describe above and in the last chapter.... I myself would like to see how he does it in 15 minutes.... For me he 10/10 takes about 40-45 minutes and Astaroth says I do it great. But now I myself do 3/3 every day (which takes me about 12-13 minutes) and only on Solar Holidays I do 10/10, so I also encourage you not to overdo it, because it's better to do less but consistently than to give it your all for a month/two and then let it go and give up.... Apart from that there is also the "Destroy Nazarene" and, what is most important, spiritual development, that is breathing exercises and yoga and sex with Demons (or sex with a partner with meditation on their Seals and mantra Names) which is even more important than these Rituals... (and besides, overdoing these Rituals can easily tear your throat out, which will exclude you from Spiritual Warfare for some time).  It takes me about 40-45 minutes and Astaroth says it's great. You vibrate this Greek affirmation exactly as in this audio recording [here with Destroy Nazarene and SATANAS vibration] [or here] (with Commander's voice btw), except you don't have to drag, take those breaks between words, but don't rush either. THAT'S THE CORRECT WAY. And remember, you have to do it in such a way that you feel the words when you say them as vibrations, just like in the Ultimate! -Without that, this part of the Rituals wouldn't make sense...

It is best to write them (this and Destroy Nazarene) on a piece of paper and make them by reading from these cards. Vibration is best with your own accessible phonetics, as you hear in the audio recording.

{*This Ritual:

1. SATANAS (letter by letter on 7 full breaths)





3. AUM (on one breath)

4. vibrate SATANAS (as in 1)

The Jewish influence, control and bindings on Satan and His Demons are completely untied and are now void and nullified.

The Jews, their god and their angels have lost any and all spiritual authority over the Demons and Gods of Satan.

Satan and His Demons are restored to the heavens and in full power and authority, now and forever.


vibrate SATANAS(- X3, X6 or X10)

5. AUM 

6. Hail Satan!

End of Ritual}}

"Destroy Nazarene" is also very important, and besides it is short (both the vibration and the affirmation, where instead of SATANAS it is AUM for one breath), so you can easily do it 10/10. If you have very little time because of work/obligations, then minimal development (including sexual activity) + Demonic Authority 3/3. But if you have at least these 3/4 hours of free time during the day and you can devote at least 2 hours to all of this, then you should also do this Ritual, which takes about 20 minutes.

It is very important also because it has been almost completely excluded from the schedules on JoS (compared to the Demonic Authority, which they used to spam quite often hoping to appease Satan and the Demons due to what I describe in the last chapter...), and it is also a very important Ritual in terms of strengthening (resurrecting) our relationship with the Demons.

 Destroy Nazarene: 


1 vibrate SATANAS


2. SS-EE-YY - SS-EE-TT - EE-PE - YAK - SHE-REE-O - NE - 


SEE-TVA - NES-EELA-LE - SUS-EE - O - NO-TH--------LES-ORP - YAK (x10)

3. vibrate AUM 

-All authority of Jesus Christ in all its forms, is dead, is cursed, and is void in the heavens and the earth, now and forever

-The Jewish people and all people of Jesus Christ, have now fallen from all positions of influence and power.

-All authority granted through the lie of Jesus Christ has collapsed, is void, and destroyed.

- the jewish thoughtform called jesus christ is cursed, defiled and annihilated! 

 AUM (whole point 3. x10)

Hail Satan! 


Also, it is important to add that some of the "discrepancies" in phonetics in both Demonic Authority and Destroy Nazarene between the recording and the written pronunciation were due to the fact that EVEN THEN THE HOODED COBRA HOPED THAT AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE WERE DOING THE RITUALS WRONG!!! The pronunciation in the recordings is TRUE (maybe he was just afraid to misrepresent it in his own voice...), and I personally corrected the "mistakes" in the phonetic notations. 

If you're from JoS, don't accidentally think that I'm picking on them for some 'personal grudge of my own'.... Astarte and Satan not only support me on this, but They PERSONALLY asked me to take care of unmasking them, because I honestly have so many other things on my mind (...) that I would gladly give up dealing with those jerks, even though I actually have a lot on my mind to take care it... Besides, the most important matter is these Rituals, and it would be impossible to present them without a reference to the priesthood of JoS... 

And this schedule according to the will of Satan will be valid until the end of the Spiritual War and the complete annihilation of the enemy without any changes. The only thing is that during the period of the Christian "Easter", i.e. from "Great" Thursday (possibly from just after the Full Moon, which then falls) to Tuesday of the following week - you can do more Destroy Nazarene (two or even three times a day); on the main Solar Holidays (equinoxes and solstices, i.e. exactly when the Sun enters the cardinal signs) - you can do more Demonic Authority; and on Jewish holidays such as Yom Kippur - you can squeeze with the Final RTR. However, the Rituals themselves and their prioritization WILL NOT CHANGE AT ALL.

I would like to remind everyone who wants to be a part of our Satanic Family: Father Satan personally stated that those who do not participate in the Spiritual Warfare are parasites and do not matter to him. This is the same approach of all His Demons and dedicated Warriors, which includes me. In other words, giving the parasites and their programs a free hand to further destroy our beloved planet, you are just a pest for us, just like them.

And I would advise you not to wait too long with your decision. Father Satan further said that "many will want to join at the last minute, but for them it will already be too late...". Maxine misinterpreted this as "it takes a long time to do the Magnum Opus". Yes it does, but that sentence is not about spiritual growth at all. If you join Spiritual War, you have time to develop, even in your next incarnation (we have all eternity to develop...). However, there will come a time when it will become clear to ALL that GOOD has won over EVIL and that all the filth of this world irreversibly ceases to exist - and this is thanks to this Ritual. It is then that many will want to join, to belong in the eyes of our Gods to those meritorious Warriors for Satan, thanks to whom the Earth becomes free again, as before the attack of the enemy and the imposition of Christianity on us.... BUT FOR THEM IT WILL SIMPLY BE TOO LATE FOR THAT - SO I ASSURE YOU THAT IT IS NOT WORTH DELAYING...!

(Sorry for possible mistakes..)

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